Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the results.

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  • supporting autoimmunity and thyroid health

    supporting autoimmunity and thyroid health

    “I feel like now that I feel better the work is just starting.”

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    nutrition to support endometriosis

    “It was cool to look through all the panels with Kelli and see that I had some deficiencies and learning how to use supplements and foods. It was eye-opening putting it into practice.”

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    bloodwork and habit changes for improved energy

    “Now it’s all become a habit. Supplements, meals, hydration, workouts, I go through the day and they’re automatic…And I know I don’t have to be perfect, as long as I’m being consistent.”

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    unlearning diet culture

    “It’s really been unlearning the diet culture that you’re taught as a little girl and realizing it’s not healthy for you in any way.”

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    20% body weight lost without feeling restricted around food

    “The gradual pace of making changes gives me confidence I can continue making changes the next week.”

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    increased strength and energy

    “After working on my habits I feel better, I get more rest and I’m more diligent at work.”

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    fitting new habits into a busy career

    “The biggest thing was to not be scared of foods like dairy, gluten and carbs. I thought this was the only way to lose weight but inreality that’s just losing weight in an unhealthy way..Also what under-eating looks like..Even though you may be eating three meals a day, you might not be getting the nutrients your body needs.”


“I highly recommend Kelli to anyone who wants education and support in building a healthier lifestyle.  Her approach starts simple and builds over time and at a pace you are comfortable with.  She is non-judgmental and understands the realities of life that challenge all of us each day.  She encourages doing the very best you can each day while giving yourself grace on the days that aren't perfect.  Kelli outlines options for better food choices and lets you decide what fits in your life.  She also gives you options for additional services and products without being pushy.  I enjoyed working with her very much!”


“Kelli’s passion for nutrition is always present which showed in her committment to helping me along my fitness and nutrition journey. Kelli designed a meal plan based on the bold flavors I crave in a nutrient dense way that tastes great.”


“Kelli’s nutritional guidance helped me get hormonal acne & irregular, painful cycles I’ve been dealing with for years under control in just a few months. Because of dietary changes advised by Kelli, my cycle is now regular and relatively symptom free.”


“I really enjoyed taking back control of my health last year. Coaching with Kelli encouraged me to try new things, including getting my bloodwork done. It was eye opening to say the least. I started getting off fast food and finally cooking at home. It took almost three years for me to realize there was a problem with inflammation. I’m now in the best shape of my life and have gained the muscle and confidence I was looking for.”